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How to Manage Product Inventory Effectively

Managing Inventory effectively is one of the important steps to be success in online business. You have to ensure that you always have available stock for sale to scramble to catch up with your competitors. Accurate inventory level would be able to avoid overselling. After added all products in your Unicart store, whenever you restock or reduce inventory, you can manage inventory for multiple products effectively in Unicart!

View Inventory

1. Navigate to Products page, click More icon on top right, and choose Manage Inventory.

2. Click Quantity title twice to sort quantity from smallest to largest automatically, including variant quantity.

From here you can check the product required to restock.

Adjust Inventory

1. Update the total quantity available for sale in Quantity field. After you change quantity, click anywhere and changes will be saved automatically.

Ensure that Main Quantity is sum of all Variants Quantity.

2. When the product is having zero quantity, it will be displayed with Out of Stock message on your Unicart store. If you do not wish to display Out of Stock product or do not want to sell any more, you may disable Status to unpublish listing from Unicart store.

3. Having YES in Subtract Stock to auto deduct inventory if product is sold. It is recommended to enable Subtract Stock so that you can track inventory accurately.

Activate Stock Notification

1. We have a free app which can notify you via email when stock is running low.

2. Navigate to Apps page, click Add More Apps, search and install Stock Notification.

3. With this app, you can monitor inventory closely and restock before it is too late.

Learn more about how to import / export product inventory in CSV file.

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Next How to Import / Export Product Inventory in CSV File